Saturday, November 27, 2010

President Obama's socialism destroying U.S. economy

by Arnie Webre, Jr.

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Bob, Please focus on the issue at hand.

President Obama is purposely spending as much of the newly printed greenbacks as he can to devalue the U.S. dollar. It is a very dangerous strategy, as it will ruin the U.S. dollar and your assets, though it will, eventually, inflate away our debt, dishonorably, while destroying our entire United States economy.

If you thought that the bankruptcy of the old Soviet Union was interesting to watch on your evening news, Bob, just wait, as you will be able to watch the bankruptcy of the old United States on your evening news, if President Obama has his way.

Yes, it would, eventually, help the United States in trade, but it would ruin our country as an international power, and it would humiliate all of us -- those of us who are still proud to be an American and who hold high the ideals of America, democracy and freedom for all.

Again, in just the first 18-months of President Obama's administration, our national debt increased by over one-third (1/3). Never in the history of the United States, since General George Washington and his troops defeated General Lord Charles Cornwallis at Yorktown, Virginia, has such a large, gross amount of U.S. dollars been spent by our national government in such a brief period of time [18-months].

Although I was proud of Barrack Obama and America when he was elected president, he has since proven that he will continue to devalue the U.S. dollar, and our national interests, by continuing his budget-busting national socialist programs.

Socialism leads to communism, not democracy and freedom. It is time for all of America to wake-up about that fact. As a nation, we need to be very clear about the evils of socialism and how it enslaves us.

Socialism is not democracy or freedom.

At this very moment, approximately, two-thirds (2/3) of our entire workforce in the United States, one-way or another, works for either the United States government, state government, or one of their many related federal or state programs.

The "business of America is business," not government.

Bob, yes, President Obama is likable, and I do genuinely like the man; however, he has proven to me that he is more of a socialist than President Chavez of Venezuela, and that President Obama is hell-bent on destroying our economy, and the United States dollar, for whatever the reason.

Is President Obama brilliant? Yes! I do admire that about him.

However, in 2012 I will certainly vote for either a Democrat, a Republican, or an Independent for president of the United States, who is not hell-bent on destroying the U.S. dollar and our economy with it.

God Bless America!

Is Sarah Palin ready to be president?

by Arnie Webre, Jr.

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Froter, I believe that you are correct that Sarah Palin would make an excellent president, and that is the problem.

However, being objective, she does not have as much experience as Mitt Romney nor his likely running mate, Jeb Bush, so I think the best way forward for Palin is to get experience in the administration of Mitt Romney.

Although Palin and Romney view each other as competitors, they would be stronger working on the same team together, as they and Jeb Bush are close philosophical and political soul-mates.

Palin is in her mid-40s; so after Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush are through with their administrations, with the experience that Palin would gain in their administrations, I am fairly certain that she would have a better shot than anyone in getting elected president of the United States.

I, too, believe in God. We can ask him for what we want, but he is in control of what, if and when it happens. I hope that Sarah Palin will think about that and do the right thing for America, for herself, and for her ideals.

There are few people who believe as strongly as Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush that we have to do something about America's huge national debt.

On the other hand, a Hillary Clinton as president does not bother me, at all, as I think she is a responsible Democrat, and there are other Democrats that I would feel comfortable with; nevertheless, I am weary of President Obama's radical socialist agenda and the explosion of the debt of the United States government. It seems to be a recipe for a financial disaster and a coming inflation that will shock most Americans, when we get through with the current slight deflation.

I sincerely hope that our elected officials, Republicans, Democrats, and Independents will stop posturing for the 2012 presidential election and actually compromise on our pressing national issues. Without compromise, our economy, standing in the world, and our national debt will not come back to normal levels, like those of Canada, Brazil, Chile and Singapore did.

First thing, Congressional Republicans, Democrats, and Independents need to pass the tax and debt reduction recommendations of the recent bi-partisan Presidential Commission. We are in an economic [debt] mess that is out of control, and we have to turn it around, now. [If not now, when?] Then President Obama needs to sign the law. Of course, that would require that Republicans, Democrats, Independents and our Commander-in-chief all do what is right for the United States, instead of what gets them re-elected.

Either "business as usual" is now over in Washington, D.C., or soon, we are going to be very unhappy American campers as to what happens to the United States dollar, our economy, and the standing of our nation in the world, when the United States dollar is no longer the world's currency for settlement of trades.

If we allow that to happen, there will be nothing under the United States dollar but air.

God Bless America!

Sarah Palin's shotgun marriage: we can do this the easy way or the hard way!

by Arnie Webre, Jr.

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Is it alluring and easy to genuinely like Sarah Palin's spunk, her direct manner of addressing the socialist cancer in our society, her independent nature and her character? In a word: yes!

Palin also abhors the "business as usual" attitude of the Washington crowd [Republicans, Democrats and Independents], who are continuing to use money [gargantuan national debt] that we, as a nation, cannot afford -- to get themselves re-elected.

However, her statement about the Bush "blue bloods" is disingenuous, at best, as she knows that the George Bushes [the first and second Presidents of the United States named "Bush"] and Sarah Palin are all direct-blood descendants of European royalty.

In fact, the Bush clan is correct that Sarah Palin cannot defeat President Obama. Already Obama is trying to say that the only reason that he went overboard with his socialist agenda, is that a dire financial emergency required it. Which reminds us that when Senator Obama was campaigning for the presidency of the United States, he talked like a conservative to dupe the American populace into electing the most liberal socialist in the history of the United States, as President.

The timing of that ruse could not have been worse, as we are so strapped with debt, as a nation, that we cannot afford a socialist president of the United States. At this time in the history of the United States, we have a number of individual states that are so indebted that they are virtually insolvent, like the government of the United States.

Since the fact has just now been written on this page, the heresy of writing the truth about our government, our nation and our individual states, and the desire of the majority of our citizens to be taken care of by the government, let us have a little more truth.

Mitt Romney is qualified to be President of the United States, and he is the best candidate, regardless of party, to get us out of this financial mess, national debt, honorably.

Jeb Bush's record as Governor of Florida speaks for itself. Jeb would make a strong complement to Mitt Romney, and Romney and Bush would be unbeatable. I believe that they could turn this boat [nation] around.

Though many of our hearts are with Sarah Palin, she needs to ingratiate herself with the coming reality, as she would make a hell of a U.S. Cabinet member, Secretary of State, Ambassador to the United Nations, or Ambassador to England.

Palin certainly has a lot in common with the English [and they know it -- I think they see character in her, like many of us do], and not just her blood, or the academics who run the Oxford Dictionary would not have just included one of Palin's coined phrases, or words, in that top-of-the-line publication, which is used around the world.

As a matter of fact, by the time Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush clean-up our national financial [debt] mess, it might be time for President Palin.

It sure would make a lot of people happy to see a President Palin, but it will not happen unless she speaks on behalf of the Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush campaign between now and election night in 2012.

God Bless America!