Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Obama Plans Regime Change in November 2018 Elections

Former Democratic President Barack Obama recently spoke at the University of Illinois to give us our sanity back, as, according to him, something is not right in the current Whitehouse, or words to that effect. So Obama is out to foment an outright regime change during the U.S. House of Representatives election in approximately two months from now.

To say that Barack Obama is a Democrat-Socialist would be putting it lightly. It would be like saying that Bernie Sanders is a hardcore conservative constitutionalist.

In a 2014 article in The Western Journal, "Just How Radical Were The People Who Influenced Barack Hussein Obama?" Steven Baldwin clearly points to overwhelming documented evidence that Obama's entire life has been in the political company and association with Marxists and Socialists. Indeed, former President Obama made numerous appointments to these Democrat-Socialist-Marxists in both of his previous presidential administrations. (…/)

Who remembers when in a televised meeting between former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and former U.S. President Barack Obama that Chavez turned to the crowd and cameras and said, "He's more of a Socialists than I am?" The now deceased Chavez was in amazement that such a political radical was then President of The United States. We all saw it in Chavez' face expression.

It is hard to see how The United States of America was winning under the business-restrictive policies of Kenyan national former CIA operative Barry Soetoro, a.k.a. former President and Socialist-Democrat-Marxist-in-Chief, Barack Obama. Of course, Marxist Obama is coming out against a progressive, winning President Trump who is renegotiating Obama's bad trade deals that were not in the interests of America. On the other hand, anti-colonialist Obama gave billions in bribes to Iran and helped his Muslim Brotherhood allies, while Ambassador Stevens was tortured, and, eventually killed, and Stevens' NCIS agents were murdered in Libya. Former U.S. President Obama is the same man who created ISIS and did everything he could to ruin America. Now Obama says, in essence, that there is something wrong with President Trump's America.

Yes, that is correct. We are winning, again! -- like we have not done since Ronald Reagan and John Kennedy, arguably two of the best Presidents that The United States has ever had. The current Trump administration is not only renegotiating the bad trade and political deals of previous administrations, but President Trump has also delivered on his promises to the American people to create more jobs, bolster the economy, and he has brought back trillions of USDs from overseas holdings of U.S. corporations. Generally, our current President is running government like a business, not a "vote for me and I will give you any kind of largess you want to further ruin the credit of the U.S., while adding enormous debt to our nation." Actually, having the temerity to move our U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem is the favorite action of President Trump that many Americans love, both Democrats and Republicans.

The list of accomplishments of President Trump and his administration is too long to enumerate, but few Americans have been hiding under rocks. Our citizens know completely what those accomplishments are, though not all Americans are willing to give the Trump administration credit, even where credit is due.

Now deep state cheerleader Obama is fighting to have a mid-term regime change of the U.S. House of Representatives in favor of the Democrat-Socialist-Marxists so The United States of America will collapse, like Venezuela, the old Soviet Union, and Democrat-controlled Chicago. Eventually, that will usher in Obama's One World Government led by the UN.

It is not in the best interests of Americans for us to continue this political divide, those who want to destroy America and those who want to strengthen it. There was a time when all of us, on the left, in the middle, and on the right, politically, would fight for The United States, instead of tearing it apart for the vested interests of others.


Just How Radical Were The People Who Influenced Barack Hussein Obama?. (2014). The Western Journal. Retrieved 19 September 2018, from

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sarah Palin's shotgun marriage: we can do this the easy way or the hard way!

by Arnie Webre, Jr.

[Read more:]

Is it alluring and easy to genuinely like Sarah Palin's spunk, her direct manner of addressing the socialist cancer in our society, her independent nature and her character? In a word: yes!

Palin also abhors the "business as usual" attitude of the Washington crowd [Republicans, Democrats and Independents], who are continuing to use money [gargantuan national debt] that we, as a nation, cannot afford -- to get themselves re-elected.

However, her statement about the Bush "blue bloods" is disingenuous, at best, as she knows that the George Bushes [the first and second Presidents of the United States named "Bush"] and Sarah Palin are all direct-blood descendants of European royalty.

In fact, the Bush clan is correct that Sarah Palin cannot defeat President Obama. Already Obama is trying to say that the only reason that he went overboard with his socialist agenda, is that a dire financial emergency required it. Which reminds us that when Senator Obama was campaigning for the presidency of the United States, he talked like a conservative to dupe the American populace into electing the most liberal socialist in the history of the United States, as President.

The timing of that ruse could not have been worse, as we are so strapped with debt, as a nation, that we cannot afford a socialist president of the United States. At this time in the history of the United States, we have a number of individual states that are so indebted that they are virtually insolvent, like the government of the United States.

Since the fact has just now been written on this page, the heresy of writing the truth about our government, our nation and our individual states, and the desire of the majority of our citizens to be taken care of by the government, let us have a little more truth.

Mitt Romney is qualified to be President of the United States, and he is the best candidate, regardless of party, to get us out of this financial mess, national debt, honorably.

Jeb Bush's record as Governor of Florida speaks for itself. Jeb would make a strong complement to Mitt Romney, and Romney and Bush would be unbeatable. I believe that they could turn this boat [nation] around.

Though many of our hearts are with Sarah Palin, she needs to ingratiate herself with the coming reality, as she would make a hell of a U.S. Cabinet member, Secretary of State, Ambassador to the United Nations, or Ambassador to England.

Palin certainly has a lot in common with the English [and they know it -- I think they see character in her, like many of us do], and not just her blood, or the academics who run the Oxford Dictionary would not have just included one of Palin's coined phrases, or words, in that top-of-the-line publication, which is used around the world.

As a matter of fact, by the time Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush clean-up our national financial [debt] mess, it might be time for President Palin.

It sure would make a lot of people happy to see a President Palin, but it will not happen unless she speaks on behalf of the Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush campaign between now and election night in 2012.

God Bless America!