Sunday, December 5, 2010

Is Sarah Palin ready to be president, part two?

by Arnie Webre, Jr., republished from this blog, as a response to a comment from "Montana" about the original article, "Is Sarah Palin ready to be president?"

Montana, you are certainly entitled to your opinion.

My opinion is that there are technical, detailed people who tell the general the information so he, or she, can make the decision.

Former President Ronald Reagan was a fine administrator and a likable guy, just like President Obama is. They both had, and one now has, the overview, but neither of them were, or are, necessarily the details guy.

Both of them were, and one currently is, the administrator, the overview guy, and I see Governor Palin in that light.

One day, she will be president.

Nevertheless, I am suspicious of the reports of Sarah Palin's vindictiveness, just as I am suspicious of the vindictiveness of the administration of President Obama's Chicago crowd.

By the way, I remember a number of gaffs by President Reagan, who was a very effective and likable administrator, as President of the United States, as was JFK, who was assassinated for his beliefs, which have turned out, historically, to be correct.

One more question, though LBJ was a likable man, using your philosophy, was LBJ brilliant because he graduated from Texas State Teachers' Normal College and former-President George W. Bush was, and is, an idiot because he obtain an MBA from Harvard University?

Is Dan Quayle stupid because he is an attorney, or did he just momentarily look stupid because he misspelled the word "potato," when the plural of "potato" is "potatoes?"

You make the call, Montana, as long as you think the call is a fair one.

One can easily, legitimately argue that Republicans, Democrats and Independents have all greatly contributed to the current deficits and the devastating national debt load, in their efforts to give the voters whatever they wanted, so they, the politicians, would be re-elected.

That is not leadership!  That is weakness, cowardliness, and selfishness.

I do agree that President Bush should not have fought two-wars at one time, just as President Obama should not have radioed to our enemies the time-frame of when we are leaving Iraq or Afghanistan.

On the other hand, I was proud of President Obama's arousing speech to the U.S. troops a couple of days ago, and his closing comment, "God Bless America!"

President Obama has come of age as a leader, and he is trying to facilitate compromise between the posturing [for re-election] Republicans, Democrats and Independents, to get the legislative business of America done.

I am proud of our president at this moment in time. I think he is doing the right thing, under trying circumstances.

I just wish more politicians would put aside their selfish vested interests long enough to save America from its crippling national debts and deficits, and they should start by not adding to our national debt.

Every Congress and every presidential administration for the last 46-years, since the last true, un-manipulated United States surplus under JFK, has added to our huge national debt.

God Bless and Save the United States of America!